Leopard Gecko Basic Care

Leoard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) also known as Leo’s
Difficulty: Easy
How long do they live? In captivity 15-20 years on average
How big do they get? 8 to 10 inches including tails
What do they eat? They are insectivores; crickets, dubia roaches, small superworms, mealworms, waxworms, hornworms.
Are they hard to take care of? No, Leopard geckos are very low maintenance. They require minimal care, generally docile and easy to tame.
Do they need calcium with D3 or without? Calcium with D3 is best, you would need to dust or what we like to call it “salt” your crickets or worms with some calcium D3 before feeding them off.
Here are the list of calcium’s that would be great for your leopard gecko:
1. Fluker’s Repta Calcium D3 Strawberry Banana
2. Repti Calcium with D3 ZooMed
3. SuperLoad Repashy